Girls VS Boys – Who Are The Better Drivers and Why?

Tina Playle - Mar 31 2022 11:37AM
Girls VS Boys – Who Are The Better Drivers and Why? img

Even in 2017, there appears to be a battle of the sexes when it comes to who are the better drivers – women or men. From battling the stereotype of “crazy woman drivers” to men’s insurance prices being significantly higher than women’s, is there a real difference in the way that they drive?

Why are men and women drivers treated differently?

Gender used to play a huge part in determining what kind of driver you were by insurers, until the European Court of Justice ruled this out in 2012.

Based on statistics, insurers would charge men more than women for their insurance premiums, because based on the numbers, it would be more likely that men would be involved in an accident therefore they would make a claim.

According to the AA, younger female drivers used to pay premiums that were up to 50% cheaper than their male counterparts, but with the ECJ ruling, car insurance for women were quickly changed so prices were not determined on gender.

But who are better drivers?

According to 2014-15 government statistics, a female 17 year old learner driver was 7% less likely to pass her test the first time round than a male learner driver of the same age.

A spokesperson for the AA believes that young men tend to deal with the mechanics of driving well, but as soon as they pass their test, they are more likely to take more risks than women.

We took to Twitter to find out what our followers thought:

At the end of the day, it seems silly to put people in certain categories before they’ve had a chance to prove themselves; this is why Black Box insurance and Telematics policies have become so popular in recent years. Having your driving data tracked by your insurer enables them to make an assessment and provide you with insurance that reflects your own driving style.

Black Box policies are particularly popular with younger drivers, because they are put in a category of being the most dangerous drivers. By opting into having a Black Box policy, they get the opportunity to prove themselves as safer drivers and could potentially see a decrease in the price they pay for insurance.

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If you’re still a Learner Driver, you don’t need to concern yourself with which gender is better at driving, as long as you have enough practice, you’ll have a good chance of passing your driving test. If you need some extra practice before your driving test, get a learner driver quote now!