Learning To Drive This Winter Is A Good Idea

Jamie Daly - Apr 4 2022 2:45PM
Learning To Drive This Winter Is A Good Idea img

Learning to drive in the winter can allow learners to experience real road conditions before heading out on the roads alone. It may sound daunting to begin a practice drive with de-icing the car and heading out into the dark, but these are conditions that road users have to face on a day-to-day basis during the cold winter months – which means that one day you will to! Driving through dark country lanes or driving in wet, cold conditions requires extra practice and knowledge on how to deal with these scenarios. We are not saying to go and brave black ice or snow during your driving practice, as these are classed as extreme conditions where all drivers are asked to stay at home unless essential. But everyday winter driving is no longer as simple as gear changes, not stalling the car etc, it is about controlling the car appropriately depending on the conditions around you – something that is not always tested in the driving test (especially if your test is in the summer). So even though it may seem daunting, why not get on the road this winter. It will mean that you will be trained and prepared for when the winter months next come around. And after all if you can nail winter driving conditions – you can nail any aspect of driving!