Manoeuvre Faults On UK Driving Tests

Jamie Daly - Mar 30 2022 4:26PM
Manoeuvre Faults On UK Driving Tests img

Using data from Gov, InsureLearnerDriver have created an info-graphic to show how often learner drivers receive manoeuvre faults on their driving test, as well as what kind of faults (minor, serious or dangerous).

According to Manoeuvre Fault Data

The most common manoeuvre requested in a driving test was the Controlled Stop, with it being attempted in 474, 348 tests. Despite its frequency, only 8.9% of learners received a fault for this manoeuvre.

The least requested manoeuvre was the Right Reverse (reverse ‘right’ round a corner). However, 96.3% of learners faulted it, with more than a quarter receiving a serious or dangerous fault.

Gov’s results compiled Reverse Parking manoeuvres into one (parallel park and reverse bay park). Be extra vigilant if you are asked to perform one of these manoeuvres.

When compared to others on the list, reverse parking manoeuvres gathered far more dangerous faults. Something to consider and note to spend extra attention on Reverse Parking when doing your own Private Driving Practice.

Both Observational and Control faults were examined for this list. Observational issues included faults such as: Not stopping for an approaching vehicle, Not performing appropriate mirror checks. Control issues included faults like: Inappropriate gear changes, Making contact with another vehicle.

Control faults were the most common. 510,394 faults were due to control issues; 317,819 were due to observational issues. Vehicle control was also the most common reason for dangerous faults, being 52.4% more likely to happen over an observational fault.

Hopefully understanding what the common manoeuvre faults are will assist learners looking to take their driving test.