Are 'Smarter' Drivers More Likely to Fail Their Driving Test? The Stats Tell All!

Tina Playle - Mar 31 2022 5:31PM
Are 'Smarter' Drivers More Likely to Fail Their Driving Test? The Stats Tell All! img

Failing your driving test, it’s not a pleasant experience, but it happens. It’s understandable that learner drivers want to avoid failing their test all together.

But what lengths does a person need to go to have the best chances of passing test first time round? Amazingly, there are many factors that have been found to alter your chances of passing.

What do the Stats Say?

According to a recent study conducted in the UK of 1,564 people, those with University degrees were found more likely to have failed their driving test at least once than those who had no qualifications at all. It was found that 59% of those surveyed with just A-levels completed their driving test on the first go, compared to just 51% of those with degrees.

It was also found that 6 out of 10 drivers with no qualifications pass first time, with an average of 1.7 attempts.

This begs the question, does your level of academic experience have a direct effect on your driving test? Well, yes and no. As this study suggests, there is evidence to show that those who don’t have formal qualifications could be in more practical job roles that involve use of motor control, hence why they’re more likely to pass their test. However, this story may be needed to be taken with a pinch of salt.

How do I pass my Driving Test First Time?

This isn’t the first story to break which has new found statistics to prove that different types of people have different chances of passing. Earlier this year it was found that taking the driving test in some parts of the UK would be “easier” than others, based on the varying pass rate percentages.

And let’s not forget the never-ending debate about whether men or women are better drivers! Your pass rate is even apparently affected by whether you’re right or left handed.

Despite these statistics say, if you have the right amount of preparation, you’ll have a good chance of passing your driving test. In fact, we have our own statistics to prove it.

For more information about private practice and how it can help you pass your test, click here

So regardless of your education, location, hair colour or whatever the next statistics say, you cannot argue with the fact that, the more you practice a skill, the better you’ll become at that skill. Therefore, you can control the chances of passing your test yourself!

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